Kyle S.

Today my guest is Kyle S. Thanks for joining us Kyle, lets begin.

Losing your father at such a young age, can you describe how this effected you growing up?

"My daddy was a financial provider, and rock of our family. You know, I always wondered what it would be like to know what it meant to be a man. To have some to help me learn and grow through different stages of my childhood. I felt abandoned and neglected since my mother was an addict, and I never had any male role models to pick me up when I fell down. So I constantly looked for attention through drugs and alcohol, and wanted to be accepted so bad that I got involved in gang activity. Love was something that was never given to me, so I felt cut off from the world and people in it. I isolated in a fantasy state of mind, to be able to cope with life. Eventually my thoughts and beliefs led me to incarceration, because I always chased a fatherly pride that I never had. It wasn't until God came into my life that I felt like I finally had a father and that my earthly father was in a better place. I miss him daily, and know now that what I am doing will help me prepare to have a family and be the father I never had."

Since you're not a father yet, how big would you want your family to be?

"I would like my family to be as big of a family as it could be, that I am still able to provide for their every need by not neglecting my wife and kids. I want to be able to take them step by step in the process of manhood, and show them by action what it means to be a father"

What if you have a little girl, what advice about boys would you tell her?

"I'd advise her to wait and choose carefully and to guard her heart. To have the freedom she wants to choose her relationships with full knowledge and wisdom of the choices she is making"

Well thank you very much Kyle, Dennis may you rest in peace. I think your father would be very proud of you Kyle.